Express logistics for E-shops
Transport your goods with us from your online shop from Slovakia and the Czech Republic to 10.
countries in Europe D+1.
We are the fastest cross-border carrier in the Czech Republic and Slovakia, specializing in express express shipping of e-shop packages from SK and CZ to abroad.

We deliver to 10 European Union countries and are expanding
Czech Republic
Want to be faster than the competition?
Please fill out a simple questionnaire and we will get back to you as soon as possible.
How we do it

Our goal is to create a solution that would allow e-shops to expand into new markets without unnecessary complications and as quickly as possible.
We offer comprehensive e-commerce and logistics solutions that enable your business to operate as a local company in your destination countries.
How we are pushing the boundaries of delivery

We will pick up the package at your warehouse
We will first scan your export-ready goods along with the final Last Mile carrier label and then carefully store them for shipment.
This is how we leave you on your long journey through Eastern and Central Europe.

Immediate transportation of the package to its destination
On the same day we receive the goods, we will deliver them to the Last Mile carrier’s destination country in time for them to be processed by the depot staff.
Whether it’s Italy, Romania or Croatia.
In total in 10.
Countries in Europe.

Delivery of the package into the hands of the customer
Last Mile Carrier will deliver your package to the customer via home delivery, drop-off points, or boxes.
We will charge you 1:1 for these services.
This also saves you considerable money on shipping that you could be investing in other ways.